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Cemetery Cities of the Dead, Voodoo legends and haunted locations draw as many tourists to New Orleans as the stylized Creole architecture, easy lifestyle, and great music.
Tours of New Orleans’ Famous Cemeteries bring to you the stark reality of the legendary "Cities of the Dead." Over ninety percent of all New Orleans burials are still above ground whether in wall vaults, or large-scale family tombs and crypts, the old tradition is still active today.
These necropolis are not to be missed, but definitely do not miss a visit to the most famous tomb in the entire city: The very haunted last resting place of Marie Laveau the Famous Voodoo Queen of New Orleans! Her tomb is located in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 and it is said that her very own Secret Voodoo Society still exists today, visiting the spot regularly. Devoted followers treat her tomb as a shrine and on any given day a visitor can find many totems, fetishes, candles, and other gris-gris left in honor of the powerful Voodoo Queen. It is rumored that if you visit near the middle of June you might witness a ritual in her honor at the graveside.
Another famous ritual to honor Marie Laveau is held each year on the banks of Bayou St. John in the Mid-City area. Followers attend dressed in white and bring offerings of flowers and hair ornaments to the legendary mighty Mambo of New Orleans Voodoo legend.
If you visit the tomb of Marie Laveau remember this great Haunted New Orleans Voodoo Wish Spell:
Knock three times to call her spirit. Make your wish and turn around three times in a clockwise direction and knock three times on the tomb again. Always leave some kind of offering – Marie Laveau is especially fond of hair ornaments but anything, from a coin, a flower, to a piece of candy, even Mardi Gras beads, will do. Also look near her tomb for the most valued masterpiece of purported ritual hex items, the Sacred Marie Laveau Voodoo Monkey and Cock. These fetishes are often left at her graveside and are a very lucky find!
(Click here to learn more on The Monkey and the Cock.)
The Uptown Garden District is filled with the fabled and sometimes forgotten history of old New Orleans. The stunning mansions line St. Charles Avenue with a beauty of years gone by while classic street cars travel the St. Charles Avenue stretch of neutral ground. A ride on one of these famous street cars is a definite on anyone’s list of things to do in Haunted New Orleans and is the best way to view the grandeur of the old homes.
This is the area of the city made famous by the novels of Anne Rice whose own home is just blocks off the famous Avenue, on First Street. Experience the area that breathed life into the infamous vampire Lestat and served as the backdrop to the exploits of the Rice’s famous Mayfair Witches. It seems almost anyone can be inspired by the grandeur and history that is Uptown New Orleans. But be careful! You might just pick that haunted streetcar to ride in, or perhaps you will see the ghost couple waiting for their bus near Napoleon Avenue!
Not only this, St. Charles Avenue is part of the traditional route of all the old line Mardi Gras parades.
New Orleans is a treasure trove for paranormal enthusiasts and offers something for everyone among the many tours available including the ever-popular Haunted History Tours, Ghost Tours, Haunted Vampire and Voodoo Tours, and historic walking tours.
There are tours of the River Road and Plantations where you may encounter the Black Lady of Oak Alley or the ghosts of Destrehan or Houmas House. And let’s not forget the outlying areas from which New Orleans gets much of its rich, dark history filled with legends of the famous Loup Garou and encounters with the sasquatch-like creature haunting the Honey Island Swamp. You can experience these areas fist hand on any of the popular Swamp and Airboat Tours and boat tours of the Honey Island Swamp.
Pirates are part of these swamp legends too, and you can visit the dark, moss hung bayous where Jean Lafitte is said to have buried his treasure with ghostly guardians protecting it throughout eternity. Perhaps you may glimpse some of the deep glades and islands where swamp Voodoo Queens and Witches danced around fires in the dark, hot Louisiana nights. Zombies and ghouls are said to share the deep swamp shadows with alligators and snakes.
New Orleans truly offers a colorful pallet full of history and legend to all who visit here.
Whether it is culture, cuisine, music or history, or a taste of the truly paranormal that brings you here, Haunted New Orleans Tours can help you tour it now and plan ahead for your own unique adventure in the City That Care Forgot. With our help, your visit will be something quite out of the ordinary.
Haunted New Orleans Tours prides itself on sending the curious off the beaten path, so be sure to explore everything we have to offer. Check our site to find hotels, tours, and travel packages designed especially for the paranormal enthusiast – whether you plan to visit in person or safely from your armchair at home! New Orleans is also ranked as the 10th top U.S. destination as well as, the 3rd most popular city for destination weddings & elopements.
If your travel to New Orleans is conference, or just fun related, you will be pleased to know that many haunted hotels are just blocks to the Morial Convention Center, the largest convention center in Louisiana. During Carnival season, the New Orleans Haunted hotels offers an ideal location; as Mardi Gras parades roll only a few blocks away from the grand entrance of these classic New Orleans hotels. So make the most out of your visit to New Orleans and stay at a Haunted Hotel. (Find out the Most Haunted Hotels in New Orleans by visiting here!)
Lalaurie House
1140 Royal Street, that is notorious even by the bizarre traditions of the French Quarter. Built in 1831, the three-story edifice was the home of Dr. Louis Lalaurie and his fashionable wife Delphine, esteemed for her elegant balls as well as for her charitable work among the sick and the poor. In 1834, when a fire broke out in the Lalaurie residence. Firemen smashed open a locked interior door and came upon a scene surpassing horror: There, chained and suffocating in the heat and smoke, were seven starved and severely beaten slaves. Upstairs, in a sort of macabre laboratory, the fire patrol found more slaves, some dead, others barely alive with limbs amputated or purposefully deformed. Preserved organs and other body parts completed the picture.Mysterious photos occur often at the Lalaurie house. Balcony ghost photos and haunted videos usually show orbs, strands of mist and the figures of a ghost or two walking it's legnth
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Is the Lalaurie house still haunted?...
Madame Marie Delphine Macarty Lalaurie |
In the mid-1980's the famous haunted LaLaurie House was owned by a pair of prominent local physicians. Sociable and popular with staffers, the pair often hosted house parties in the infamous old mansion that they had made into an inviting home.
Lalaurie house Plackard
The size of the home was daunting and the new owners immediately designated a part of it for use as storage and overflow; this section abutted the other houses on Royal Street, while the physicians chose to live in the Governor Nicholls street side.

Many a ghostly tale recorded here since the mid 1830’s and apparitions and oddities still go on there today! 1140 Rue Royale, "La maison est hanté!"
According to the verifiable report of Cathy, a local radiologist who was often a guest at the doctors' numerous gatherings, there were always strange and unexplainable events taking place in the home. Among these were unexplained footsteps on a blocked attic stairway near the bathroom in a remote part of the upstairs interior, disembodied voices in some of the guest bedrooms, and unexplained movements in the empty attic spaces.
One of the most unique experiences was witnessed by Cathy and one of the home's owners: while taking a cigarette break out on the interior balcony - overlooking the infamous courtyard where mutilated slaves were allegedly buried - both Cathy and the doctor distinctly heard the sound of children laughing accompanied by invisible feet running over the worn courtyard bricks. When she asked whether some children had been invited to the party, Cathy was told that what she was hearing was the sound of ghostly children; according to the doctor, they had been heard frequently and weren't shy about how many people were around.
Madame Marie Delphine Macarty Lalaurie charcoal
Another ghost that evidently wasn't shy was that of a female who appeared shortly after restoration of a downstairs fireplace uncovered a rolled up parchment which, when opened, was discovered to be the rendering, in charcoal, of the now-famous portrait of Madame Delphine LaLaurie. After the discovery, strange activity began to occur in the renovated room with tools and paintbrushes disappearing and even drop cloths being found bundled in fireplace grate (unburned, of course) by the morning work crews. One local carpenter claimed to have been scared "back into" his drinking problem by the appearance of a misty "grey lady" standing at the foot of his ladder one afternoon. After feeling a tug at his trouser leg, the man looked down into a grey mist with "a creepy set" of glaring eyes. As he watched, the mist dissipated. Within minutes, the worker was out of the house and heading for the nearest bar to drown his fear in rum. Many believed this manifestation to be that of Madame LaLaurie, looking disapprovingly at the changes being made to "her" home.
Lalaurie Ghost Photo 2006
Cathy never personally experienced the female ghost but she did have an "unforgettable" encounter with another entity when her physician friends eventually sold the home and she was helping them pack. Cathy was asked to go into the unused "storage" side of the house where there were stacks of books and medical journals that needing sorting and packing. Arriving with several boxes in tow, Cathy got right to work. This is what happened, in her own words:
"It was a creepy day and it had been raining so there wasn't much light up there. I found a lamp without a shade and used that to sort the JAMA books and the other stuff and at first I was really absorbed in the packing so I wasn't immediately aware of anything strange going on. The room I was in was really big but it was separated by a set of large sliding doors, the kind with the smoked glass in them that go back into the wall. Anyway, at one point I felt the room get really chilly; it just felt like something wasn't right. I was working with my back to the empty room, behind the sliding doors, and gradually I began to feel uncomfortable with this, so I turned around and began to work facing the doors.
"At one point I glanced up and it looked kind of like someone had put a light on in the other room, but since there were a bunch of staffers who were supposed to arrive and help with the move, I didn't really think anything about it. I stooped down to sort some books that were on the floor and lifted up a bunch to put them in a box and I stopped short. A creepy feeling came over me all of a sudden because I looked up and realized that one of the sliding doors was open!
"I stepped over to one foot and looked into the room but didn't see anybody in there, but I started to feel like I wanted to hurry and get done, just get out of there. I started putting books into boxes in no particular order, just jamming them in and trying to keep from looking at the door. But unfortunately, at one point I felt this urge to look and my mouth just fell open!"
Standing there, with his hand braced on the doorframe, was a vaporous male figure, appearing more solid around the shoulders and waist, but WITH NO VISIBLE LEGS. His hair was longish and slicked to the side and he had a neat beard like those popular among gentlemen of the 1800's. He was wearing white shirt with a scarf or colored ruffle around the neck and a gold-toned waistcoat; Cathy could just see the top of his brown pants.
"He just stood there and looked at me with this look like, 'what's going on here?' and then he tilted his head and just disappeared!"
Cathy relates that she wasn't scared at first, but then was struck by the "delayed reaction" of what had just happened. "I got the hell out there!" she says. "I ran downstairs so fast I don't think that ghost could have caught me if he tried and I wouldn't go back up there until a couple of male nurses agreed to go with me and get the packing done!"
The doctors greeted Cathy's story with a wry exchange and confided that they, too, had seen the ghostly man when they had gone into the disused part of the house. One of them told her that he had even smelled and seen the smoke from a pipe or cigar lingering in the empty air when he had gone in search of something one late afternoon.
The owners both believed the ghost to be that of Dr. Leonard LaLaurie, the doting husband of Madame LaLaurie who escaped with her to Paris after the slave torture debacle of April 1834. They suggested that he appeared frequently because he liked the fact that physicians were living in his home. At any rate, they claimed that although they had grown used to the activity in the home while they lived there they did not, however, regret moving when the opportunity presented itself.
Madame LaLaurie and her husband, Dr. Leonard LaLaurie, were vilified and subjected to mob violence when reports were circulated that they had tortured, abused and even killed several of their slaves in their years at the home on Royal and Governor Nicholls. To read more about the continuing debate about the circumstances surrounding this sensational event, and the haunting of the LaLaurie House for years afterward follow our link
Madame Marie Delphine Macarty Lalaurie depiction in wax.

Delphine Lalaurie visits her torture chamber attic of the Most Haunted New Orleans Lalaurie House.
Musée Conti Historical Wax Museum
The Museum is located in the Historic French Quarter at 917 Rue Conti between Burgundy & Dauphine. Locates just 1½ blocks from world famous Bourbon Street.
Musée Conti Historical Wax Museum www.neworleanswaxmuseum.com
Founded in 1963, "The WAX" tells the fascinating story of New Orleans from her founding to the present day. Experience more than 300 years of History, Legend and Scandal with the 154 life-size figures displayed in historically accurate settings. Plus a Haunted Dungeon!! The Wax offers tours to school groups, individuals and is perfect for private parties.
If you are looking for a unique site to host your next special event, we can accommodate. From the corporate event, to the private wedding reception, every event at the WAX is one thoroughly enjoyed and well remembered!
If your travel to New Orleans is conference, or just fun related, you will be pleased to know that many haunted hotels are just blocks to the Morial Convention Center, the largest convention center in Louisiana. During Carnival season, the New Orleans Haunted hotels offers an ideal location; as Mardi Gras parades roll only a few blocks away from the grand entrance of these classic New Orleans hotels. So make the most out of your visit to New Orleans and stay at a Haunted Hotel. (Find out the Most Haunted Hotels in New Orleans by visiting here!)
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